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Relevant Services Carried Out in the Last Five Years

Name & Address of Client Agency   : CEO, ZP, Chandrapur
Clients Contact Person for the Assignment   :
(Name, designation, Phone, e-mail)
Mr. D.G. Philips, IAS
CEO, ZP, Chandrapur
Professional Staff provided by Your
No of Staff-Months
Duration of Assignment
60 Months
Start Date (Month/Year)
Completion Date(Month/Year)
Sept. 2004
Sept. 2009
Approx. Value of Services
(Lakh Rs.)
Rs. 30,00,000/-
Name of Associated Consultants.
If any
No of Months of Professional Staff provided by Associated Consultants 20
Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) Involved and Functions Performed : Mr. Sardar Pawade, Mr. Shalikrao Bansode
Eng. Raju Yerojwar, Mr. Pravin Mathankar
Narrative Description of Project
Watershed management project implemented in Tribal village in jivati block of Chandrapur dist for overcoming the problem of Irrigation, to minimize the drought prone area, empowerment of women, to generate employ to change economic aspect .organization play role to motivation of villagers regarding water management, construct water stopping work such as continued contour tour(CCT),Loose boulder structure, cement band, mati nala band, canal renovation, Farm pond & plantation.
Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff
1. Village Developmental Plan Preparation.
2. Motivation of rural villagers.
3. Behavioral change.
4. Construction of water structure.
5.Training for Eco friendly Villages.
6. Awareness Program.
7. Rain Water Harvesting.

Desk of President

Harshwardhan Pipare

Desk Of President


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Annual Report for 2011 -2012

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